Hospital touring

Last month I decided Dwarf 1 one should not be the only one experimenting Ontario Health Care System (see Pillow Fight).

So I decided to start with a nice cough, and after a couple of weeks to make things more interesting. As soon as I mentioned to the Man I had a high temperature (over 39°C) he immediately shipped me to the closest hospital in order to get an x-ray, although I kept telling him I would be perfectly fine very soon (this guy can be incredibly stubborn sometimes).

I was mentally ready to wait several hours in ER, but after ticking the boxes:

  • Have you been outside Canada in the past 21 days?
  • Do you have chest pain?Sick

I magically bypassed the whole line and was taken care of.

Turns out I was in Germany 2 weeks before (not very exotic), and the chest pain was due to my cough (but nobody asked for details, right?).

As expected by the Man (who learnt a couple of things in med school) I had a pneumonia, which in the last month prevented me from taking care of the kids, doing anything in the house, having any type of social life or a functioning brain (maybe the latest cannot be blamed on any illness).

Now the Man is a hero and I owe him a month of household chores.

Time to book this one-way ticket to South America.

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